Does the point of entry or BCP of goods affect customs declarations?

Arrivals of non notified goods at the right border control post will no longer be checked unless for reasonable exceptions and in principle validated.

For several weeks now, there has been an increase in the presentation of goods at Calais-Tunnel border inspection site, whereas the notification of these was made at Calais-Port site, or vice versa.

The point of entry into the EU territory used must be the one notified on the CHED, in accordance with 2017/625 and 2019/2130 regulations.  So, either Calais-Port or Calais-Tunnel.

To ease files’ handling, do not hesitate to communicate where the goods are sent to anticipate and simplify the procedures, in this case Calais-Port, Calais-Tunnel or Dunkirk.

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Worth knowing:

In case of arrival at another point of entry than the one notified on the CHED, a new CHED must be created; this would generate a waiting period of at least 4 hours. The new CHED numbers will therefore no longer correspond to those written on the T1 (which must be indicated in box 44). 
Moreover, this situation will cause many customs gridlocks.

This change of entry point can only be authorized on an exceptional basis, during bad weather not allowing the crossing of Ferries in particular.
But in no case can this become the RULE.

All actors in the transport chain must be informed of the entry point for obvious reasons that will greatly ease cross-border trade.

Do not hesitate to contact us, our experts will answer to all your questions.

Etoile de notation Etoile de notation Etoile de notation Etoile de notation Etoile de notation