Direction United Kingdom/France
In 2025, the SPS sector is not exempt from new legislation.
In the 2019 Regulation 2072, plants of part B such as cabbage, lettuce, barley or wheat will be randomly checked once arriving in France. CHED’s will have therefore be carried out in " one-shot ". This is a notable change since there was no question of control still a few weeks ago.
We therefore invite you to remain careful upon your arrival in France and about your status (orange line) during your unloading.
The measure is already in place and should run for the whole of the coming year.
Modification of the 8350 HC's model
The second major change relates to the compound HC model, 8350.
Products such as lasagna, dumplings and any other compound product are affected by this change. Until 29th January 2025 it will be possible to use the old Health Certificate templates. From 30th January 2025, a tolerance will be granted until 29th April 2025, IF and only IF the document was signed BEFORE 29th January 2025.
Exact quote from 2024/1874 :
Direction France / United Kingdom
No major changes but it is recommend to frequently check on the UK requirements which are constantly changing. To date, physical controls are already in place.